When it comes to your workplace or business there are many things to consider when it comes to who and what you want to protect. When hiring a Police Officer for off-duty work you have the benefit of them carrying their powers 24/7, meaning they have the legal authority to stop crime at any time.
Here are 5 benefits when using off-duty police officers for your business.
- Starting with what we mentioned above, police officers have the authority to perform lawful duties 24/7 whether they are on or off duty. If there is a potentially dangerous situation that arises, an off-duty police officer has the control to make an arrest and call for immediate back up if needed. This is what makes off-duty law enforcement ideal guards for companies and workplaces worried about potential threats.
- Off-duty police officers can help diffuse workplace violence, and confrontations. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) there are 4 categories of workplace violence.
- Criminal intent violence
- Worker-on-worker violence
- Customer/client violence
- Personal relationship violence
If any of these such events occur on work premises, off-duty officers can counteract, escort an individual, and use negotiation tactics if needed. These acts enable police officers to discourage threats without putting anyone else around them in harm’s way.
- Usually when off-duty police officers are hired its solely for the purpose of protecting your assets. This is something law enforcement knows a lot about, asset protection. Most companies and businesses have very valuable objects and information. Off-duty police officers can assure you that all assets, staff, and customers are protected around the clock.
- Off-duty police officers are armed. Clocked in or out of duty police are still able to carry a firearm, which can make security more sufficient.
- Police officers are highly trained and experienced. Police officers have to attend ongoing training and continuing education. These continuing education courses go through first aid, firearms, local state laws, and much more.
The importance of having an off-duty police officer for your business is something that will not only give you peace of mind, but it will also give your employees and patrons that same peace.